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BANKSY | War, Capitalism and Liberty Exhibition Opens in RomeBANKSY | War, Capitalism and Liberty Exhibition Opens in RomeBANKSY | War, Capitalism and Liberty Exhibition Opens in Rome

BANKSY | War, Capitalism and Liberty Exhibition Opens in Rome

24 May 2016

The major new museum exhibition War, Capitalism & Liberty | Banksy From Private Collections opened to the public last Tuesday, 24 May, at the prestigious Palazzo Cipolla Museo in the cultural historic centre of Rome, Italy. Long queues of eager visitors lined the streets, fired up to see an unprecedented collection of over 120 Banksy artworks including original paintings, sculpture and rare pieces from private collections all over the world.

Produced by the honorable President of The Fondazione Roma Italia and Terzo Pilastro, Professor Emmanuele F.M. Emanuele, and jointly curated by Andipa and Rome based 999 Contemporary, the exhibition explores the themes and influence of war, capitalism and liberty on the artwork of the world's most infamous street artist, Banksy.

The President of the Foundation opened the museum to over 150 agents for an exclusive press conference on Monday, 23 May, just hours before the Private Member Opening to answer questions and allow for the world's first look at this powerful new show.

Over 500 guests were in attendance for the Private Member Opening, the elegant museum interiors buzzing with patrons of the arts, collectors and lenders solidifying a successful evening all around.

See more news and information about War, Capitalism & Liberty on The NY Times, The Times UK, BBC News, Vogue and more.
